w: godskin peller h: a lot of stuff so just ask! pc

w: godskin peller h: a lot of stuff so just ask! pc

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

How can i fix this pcb after one of the capacitors emitted smoke and became very hot?

I checked my humidifier after it fried and emitted smoke. I see that one of the capacitors is burned. Will this thing work if i replace it? It still has power but won't function. Also when i looked up for the exact capacitor (220uf 16v) they have two legs this one has three legs. will the ones with 2 legs be compatible??

Dm for malavika mohanan roleplay

NTNU sitt IØ2000 krever 300 svar på spørreundersøkelse ( HJELP! )

Standard tekst: Hei! Vi tar et fag på NTNU og inviterer deg til å svare på en spørreundersøkelse. Dine innspill er svært verdifulle for oss, og vi setter stor pris på at du tar deg tid til å bidra. Tusen takk for din hjelp! Lenke til skjema: [https://forms.office.com/e/iiU9PRmbL4](https://forms.office.com/e/iiU9PRmbL4) \--- Takk for at noen gidder her i Reddit Norge, sikker på noen annen har pint seg gjennom dette før. Jeg sliter med se verdien, men kanskje jeg blir overrasket.

Looking for recs

Alright, I need some help everyone! I'm currently in a slump between release dates of my favorite authors and the stuff I've been reading has been kinda shallow and focused on just smut, which is not a problem, but I'm wanting a full fledged meal with plot that'll knock me on my ass, not a snack. Previously, I've read EVERYTHING by Eva Ashwood, majority of Rebecca F. Kenney (LOVED her Wicked Darlings series) and some of the nastiest smut you can imagine, but I'm looking for some more content that will get me into reading again. Not really a fan of the omega-verse stories, but am open to trying something new. Does anyone have any recommendations that will distract me from my slump?

1099kk for martial arts school

I run a small martial arts school that had an income of $6200 last year. I use Square to take payments and I have a 1099k available. The account is registered to my SSN. How do I report this income?

Future gamers custom archetypes

There was a guy who had tons and tons of custom archetypes his name was future gamer and he had them on gamehorizon.gr but I believe that site got taken down and now I can’t find any of his cards, would anybody have a link to them again I truly loved using them

80% of guys never approach. I built something to change that.

Most guys never approach someone they’re interested in. Not because they don’t want to, but because they freeze in the moment or convince themselves it’s a bad idea. Studies show that the fear of rejection is stronger than the actual rejection itself. But what if you could train yourself to stop hesitating and actually take action? I’ve built an app that helps shy guys get out of their own heads and start conversations. It does three things: - Gives you conversation openers so you’re never stuck on what to say. - Sends daily reminders to help you stop overthinking. - Tracks your progress so you can see your confidence grow. I’m testing it with a small group of guys who struggle with this. If you’ve ever felt stuck in hesitation and want to break the cycle, DM me! Free lifetime access for early testers

Post stats revamp test from pdp for 11/2/2025 09:07:19

Are trans-girls allowed?

I'm a trans girl and just wondering if that still counts as being a girl kisser :3

First 5.5 🙌

My r/t are no delay box btw

"> My r/t are no delay box btw

Watch for mold on your windowsills!

The cold is one thing that makes this worse, providing it with a steady source of water. This particular case was probably growing before it got cold, as someone has already told me. I'm about to attack this thing with lysol.

"> The cold is one thing that makes this worse, providing it with a steady source of water. This particular case was probably growing before it got cold, as someone has already told me. I'm about to attack this thing with lysol.

RFK Jr. wants fluoride out of drinking water. Oregon shows what’s coming.

RFK Jr. wants fluoride out of drinking water. Oregon shows what’s coming.

Feel free to cry in this thread. loool

How i can explain to a friend that not because i know pogramming, it means i can make a webpage

so iam a pogrammer student mainly Phyton, c# and server stuff SQL, and a friend of mine need a webpage for work and he think that just becasue i know pogramming it means i now how to make one and every time i decline he think iam doing in it as a bad person and not ''good friend'' hes logic is ''an engineer know hot to fix everyting as 1 time i conctracted someone to fix a fridge and he fix it like nothing, he told me all machines work the same'' and start tellin mean things like ''iam just lazy, i dont want to learn iam downing my future and stuff'' everytime he sees me repite the same process of forcing me to make a webpage and the same discussion time from time, (''friend'' as the person i know because i play dnd) sorry if read weird my main language is spanish

💝 Valentine’s Gift for Him (Canada): Drive Safe Handsome Keychain | Stainless Steel | Only CAD $11.99 💝

![img](n9wz597zrkie1 "Drive Safe Handsome I Love You Keychain Gifts for Boyfriend Husband Valentines Day Gifts") A sentimental and stylish stainless steel keychain engraved with "Drive Safe Handsome, I Love You"—a perfect daily reminder for your loved one to stay safe on the road. 👉 [**Check it out here**](https://amzn.to/4hxleRw) 👈 **Technical Highlights** * Crafted from high quality stainless steel for durability and rust resistance * Deep laser engraving ensures the message won’t fade over time * Sleek black design adds a modern and elegant touch * Compact size fits comfortably on any keyring without adding bulk * Lightweight yet sturdy for everyday use **Features** * Meaningful message engraved to remind your loved one to drive safely * High quality, fade resistant stainless steel construction * Stylish black finish for a sleek and timeless look * Versatile keychain suitable for cars, motorcycles, and trucks * Thoughtful and practical keepsake for any occasion **Perfect For** * Valentine’s Day gift for boyfriends, husbands, or partners * Anniversary gift as a heartfelt daily reminder * Christmas stocking stuffer for truckers, dads, or significant others * A sentimental keepsake for anyone who spends time on the road * Surprise gift for someone special to show you care 👉 [**Get yours for CAD $11.99 today!**](https://amzn.to/4hxleRw) 👈 *Disclaimer: We may earn a small affiliate commission if you purchase through our links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting us—it helps us bring you the best deals and reviews!*

MCL Tear please help

Hi all I had a Jiu jitsu tournament and unluckily tore my MCL as it happened I heard 4 pops. The ultrasound technician said my LCL is fine and ACL is fine but my MCL has 4 tears along it and said it was a full length tear but it hasn't detactched. I'm bandaged up and in a brace since day 1 of it happening and I'm shit scared of surgeries. My questions would be Is this a grade 2 or grade 3 tear? And will I need surgery or can it heal on it own?

Showing off my toes

Wallace cookie cutter

Hay reddit Reacently found this at my nans, said it was made by epc design. Looked it up only for one image to be found, I doubt its worth anything but i still would like info on it.

Why use many word when one root word do trick

coming soon to a 3rd grade classroom wall near you

"> coming soon to a 3rd grade classroom wall near you

Wat moet de VVD doen in de campagne en na de volgende verkiezingen? Rechtse koers en coalitie willen, of terug naar het midden?

Bepaal je antwoord niet op wat jij persoonlijk wil, maar wat voor de VVD het beste zou zijn electoraal gezien. In mijn mening heeft de VVD weinig te winnen met terug naar het midden. Nederland heeft een duidelijke rechtse meerderheid van kiezers en die willen een rechts beleid of veel punten en niet een zoveelste Rutte achtig midden kabinet. Dus gaan voor een rechtse coalitie, het liefst hebben ze die zonder de PVV, maar dat lijkt niet haalbaar op korte termijn. Waarom zou terugkeer naar het midden en een middencoalitie voor de VVD electoraal goed zijn? De midden/linkse kiezer gaat niet op de VVD stemmen en de rechtse kiezer heeft in tegenstelling tot jaren terug (VVD, CDA, PVV) nu meer opties (CDA, JA21, PVV, BBB, NSC) en hoeft dus niet voor de VVD te kiezen. Een terugkeer naar het midden levert in mijn idee vooral meer zetel verlies op naar andere rechtse partijen. Dat het CDA nu stijgt in de peilingen met zo midden koers is vrijwel volledig te danken aan ineenstorting van NSC (een CDA afsplitsing) en een zwak BBB en deels ook zwakke VVD. Dat laat in mijn mening niet zien dat zo’n koers voor de VVD positief zou uitpakken.

[OC] Yeehaw, moron!

Haldia port irl

Most of you guys must have studied Haldia Port in geography here's a small glimpse of it (It's not the main part , the main part is huge) 1st pic - It's oil jetty number 3 present in front 2nd pic - the ship is Most probably carrying coal

What's Jpegmafia done

Ive seen a lot of people saying he's a hypocrite, talking about jpegmafia. WHATS HE DONE. do we still like him or as he pulled a Kanye.

When you can make anything possible, because you have a connection you trust that is ready for anything. That's Life Unlimited. That's Spectrum.

When you can make anything possible, because you have a connection you trust that is ready for anything. That's Life Unlimited. That's Spectrum.

resize linux partition

i wanted to downsize the linux partition on my laptop, but i found out it can't be done when you're booted from that same partition (which makes sense) i was wondering if i could boot from a usb stick to resize the partition on the ssd; is it even possible? i want to double boot windows but and forgot to leave some unallocated space when installing linux.

Wanting a girl(friend) after breakup is normal?

So I had a breakup of 3 years of relationship (LDR) last month and she was my bestfriend for 2 years before relationship (including we were together for about 5 years) and yes I have lots of friends both boys and girls before my relationship. But after I came in relationship with her she feels insecure to me for having female frnds, So just for her I stopped talking with every female friends. And now when she is not with me I feel like there's no one with whome I can talk and share my things comfortably even my other friends are busy with their life and gf. And I also don't want to bother them. And I've heard that female friends are good listener and give good advices according to boys.

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